Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Questions galore...

[picture from http://www.2c.com.au/]

I was tagged by Tiffany over at I Am Style-ish to answer a few questions. (I must admit, I started to explore the world of fashion blogs only after I stumbled upon hers. So, I feel quite honored.) But there were way too many questions so I've only answered a few.

1. respond and rework: answer the questions on your blog, replace one question that you dislike with a question of your own invention, add one more question of your own.

2. tag eight other un-tagged people

What is your current obsession?
Online sample sale shopping ("window shopping")...Gilt.com, Hautelook.com, Ruelala.com

What are you wearing today:
Bright yellow Jcrew Cardi, Short Sleeved Black Ruffled T, F21 Pearl/Gold necklace, F21 Crazy Zig Zag Color Scarf, Zara light skinny jeans, Flats

Do you nap a lot?
I use to when I was back in school. I loved napping. I think I did it to distract myself from studying. Not so much anymore.

Why is today special?
It is a wonderful sunny day out! Sick and stuffy, wishing it was airy and breezy like the pic. But today is special because Lost is on tonight!

What would you like to learn to do?
I'd love explore my 'creative' side. Learn how to design leather handbags (did any of you watch the Hills? Stephanie Pratt!) , shoot great photos, interior design, paint on large pieces of canvas

What is your favorite weather?
Sunny Santa Monica. Warm & breezy weather.

What are your essentials when traveling?
Makeup, Comfortable Clothes, Camera, Hair Straightener, Scarves

What's your style?
Don't think I have a particular style although I do LOVE boho chic

What is your most challenging goal right now?
Answering all these questions. (I already cut 10 of them)

What do you think about the person who tagged you?
She's so cute! Love her style and photos!

I tag: Alison, Stef, Eunice...I don't have blogger peeps to tag! :(


  1. I share the same obsession: Hautelook! Your answers made me think that we'd be friends although I'm wearing an aqua J Crew cardigan instead of yellow :)


  2. boho chic is definitely my fav too! as for topshop, i've only ordered one thing that didn't fit, but i definitely want to give it another go!
